Welcome to Bilingüitos website revamp!

This website revamp is the final step to the rebrand we’ve been working on the past couple months. Well, more like a solidification of the brand, rather than a rebrand; we’re honing in on what we’re really all about.

We have reconfigured everything on the site, including changing over from “spanishimmersionva” in the URL to just our name, “Bilingüitos” to represent the entire brand. Having “VA” in the url took away from the fact that we are passionate about providing bilingual family resources for E V E R Y O N E, not just one area. We will still be very locally focused, with programs and playdates specifically in our area. However, we are expanding our reach in order to help as many families as we can C U L T I V A T E and C E L B R A T E bilingualism in their homes 💙

We’re so excited that it’s finally launch day!!! We hope you enjoy the new website. Take a moment to look around and familiarize yourself with the new layout and content. Then head over to our contact page to drop us a line and introduce yourself! We can’t wait to hear from you!

¡Cultiva y celebra el bilingüismo!

The Bilingüitos Team

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