Want to incorporate more Spanish at home but don’t know exactly how to get started? Below are some of our top tips for bringing Spanish home in a fun and engaging way. At the end we also share our ALL TIME favorite hands-on resource that we swear by!

✔️ First, figure out what works for you in terms of how, when, how often, etc. to use Spanish with your kids. There’s no right or wrong way to incorporate Spanish at home, but the best advice is do what feels most natural for you and works best for your family.
✔️ Ask your kids about their interests and what they want to explore in Spanish. Is your kiddo an outer space fan? Learn the planet names in Spanish! Maybe they’re a chef-in-training? Look up recipes in Spanish and learn new words for foods & kitchenware.
✔️ Make it FUN. This is invaluable. Blast music and have a dance party. Get outside and do a treasure hunt. Break out the craft supplies and create something! Kids learn best through play and movement!
✔️ Take advantage of available resources. There’s soooo much out there these days. Youtube, blogs, Instagram accounts! The inspiration is endless. There’s even ready-made hands-on resources! Below I’ll share about one I absolutely love 💗

👋🏼 Hola Amigo Box is hands down my favorite at-home learning resource for families wanting to work on Spanish. Their boxes are aimed at preschool age but they’re coming out with elementary and toddler boxes as well. I can’t wait for Aniela to be old enough 😍
🗣 The boxes are so thoughtfully designed and prepared, and always contain a bilingual book that goes straight into our classroom library! The activities are super easy to follow even if you’re not a Spanish speaker yourself. I love that each month is a new theme because it provides such varied and rich vocabulary!
🎨 They’ve always offered preschool age boxes, but now they’ve added elementary and toddler boxes as well (which we’re soooo excited about!), so no matter what age your littles are, there’s something for them!
🌎 Boxes sell out quick so if you’re interested in checking them out, you can order now to be included for next month! Find them on the Hola Amigo website. If you use our code BILINGUITOS10 you can get 10% off 🤗
💬 There ya have it! Some simple tips & resources to jumpstart your at-home Spanish! More resources can be found on resources page. Or send us a message!
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